Ancient Publishing with a dinosaur, T Rex.

Historical fiction thrillers containing unique Spiritual Knowledge

Much of the spiritual wisdom and tales of ancient history of man in these 7 historical fiction novels, the Serventa series, were directly inspired and provided by words of knowledge and teachings given by the Erasmus Foundation, a spiritual teaching and healing centre in Suffolk, UK.

Memory of an Ill Wind and other stories Available from Amazon Sample button to read a story about The Nøkken

Serventa, Shadow of the Light Available from Amazon Synopsis button

Serventa, Priestess of Atlantis Available from Amazon Synopsis button

Serventa of Motherega Available from Amazon Sample button

Serventa of Tutulümar Available from Amazon Synopsis button

Serventa of Nova Talakar
Available from Amazon Selected to be included in Best Script Award - London 2024
FINALIST at the first year of Cambridge Script Festival Summer Edition 2024.
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Serventa's Challenge Sample button

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Memory of an Ill Wind and other stories

Ancient myths from spiritual knowledge

Paperback ISBN 9798870910451

A collection of short stories of mythology and surreal nature from a unique spiritual source, the Erasmus Foundation in the UK. Some of these short stories relate to other places far off in the Universe and also include some ancient myths and legends from other cultures from the Canadian Inuit, Africa, the Tuareg of the Sahara, American Indians, Australia, Peru, Norway and Atlantis.

Serventa, Shadow of the Light

Scottish myths from Loch Ness

Paperback ISBN 9798421483380

A fantasy, offering knowledge and wisdom from a unique spiritual source in an entertaining story based on old mythology about the Loch Ness monster.
One cold, miserable night on a Scottish beach Serventa is met by Beira, Queen of the Winter, and is challenged in a confrontation that eventually takes Beira home to the Light, but meanwhile the Storm Kelpies, the Blue Men of the Minch, also witness the event and want to cause trouble. Serventa is then given the task of rescuing Nessa, one of Beira's handmaidens, also a kelpie, who is chained beneath Loch Ness. Serventa finds Nessa and offers to help release her from the bondage imposed by Beira as a reprisal for harming her, caused by Nessa's negligence. Serventa cannot release Nessa from this bondage, only by setting her a series of seven tasks, each one to take place in a succession of separate lives. Each incarnation then builds up her strength enough to break the bond set by Beira and release her from the Loch.

Serventa, Priestess of Atlantis

Revelations of the rise and fall of a mysterious ancient civilisation

Paperback ISBN 9798339631705

Based on fact, this historical thriller takes us through from the beginnings of Atlantis history, about five million years ago, through to the height of its civilisation describing the way of life of the people, their behaviour, their educational system, their use of energies, their transport, their beliefs, their science, their trade with other lands, and their building influence abroad, explaining much about the use of pyramids, the Nazca lines and Stonehenge. Serventa foresees the destruction of the civilisation through the misuse of energies but is powerless to persuade the people to change until the continent is destroyed in a day and a night, about fifteen thousand years ago. How did Atlantis sink? Is Atlantis real? This book offers some answers to the legend of Atlantis.

Serventa of Motherega

Did life ever exist on the Moon?

Paperback ISBN 9798870876061

The history of Motherega, known as "The Jewel of the Universe", describes the beginnings of our Universe at The Great Battle (Mankind calls the Big Bang), through to the destruction of the civilisation, about five million years ago. When did the Big Bang occur? No-one knows exactly but it was some billions of years ago, but one thing is certain; it was not the beginnings of the Universe. The Universe existed before but in a different state, before the Natural Law, the Law of the Universe as it is now. Has there been life on the Moon before? Meanwhile, Serventa works hard to maintain order of the planet but she is warned there is one who will betray her before the end.

Serventa of Tutulümar

Did a nuclear bomb kill the dinosaurs?

Paperback ISBN 9798870706269

During the Second Civilisation, Tutulümar, the age of the dinosaurs, approximately sixty-five million years ago on Earth, Serventa helps both the Iotian and the Motheregan races battle against the Andromedians, but who are the two traitors within the Iotian government? Meanwhile, much is explained about the history of our Universe, before the Big Bang, leading up to the birth of life on Earth ninety million years ago and to the end of the Second Civilisation. What was Tutulümar? What was before Tutulümar? Many secrets of the Universe are offered to the reader, with wisdom from a higher authority, to explain questions still puzzling scientists and archaeologists today.

Serventa of Nova Talakar

The tale of Sodom and Gommorah brought to life

Hardback ISBN 9798336882902
Paperback ISBN 9798333297235

A historical supernatural drama, full of spiritual knowledge and wisdom, where Serventa fights hard to stop the Prince of Darkness from destroying the Third Civilisation, Sodom and Gomorrah. She invites the mighty Lord Set from the Lower Slopes in spirit to discuss his plans for the future. After a lethal battle in spirit and other situations on the Earth she knows how the civilisation will end and recruits her followers, rebelling against the orthodox religious ruling of the Temples, to join her exodus out of Egypt to establish Atlantis far to the west.

Serventa's Challenge

Destruction or Survival

ISBN 9781919648781

Is Man to destroy his planet or survive?

The Fifth Civilisation came into being after the destruction of Atlantis fifteen thousand years ago. Serventa fights hard to help the World during the most evil civilisation the Universe has ever known. How much longer does this civilisation have before it moves on into a time of peace and understanding?

To be published in 2025

Atlantis under the Sea

Ancient Publishing
Moat House,
Banyards Green,
IP13 8ER
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