Discussion Topics for Reading Groups
General discussion questions could include
- Do you think a story should teach something and have a purpose, or is simple fiction with well written prose enough to make a good book?
- Did you have an emotional response as you read the book? Did it make you angry, frightened, laugh, or cry?
- Were the relationships between the characters interesting? If so, why?
- Was the first chapter enough to grab your attention?
- How was the ending? Was it a satisfying conclusion to the story?
- As a creative non-fiction did you find the telling of the story compelling?
- Who was your favourite/least favourite character?
- Did you identify with any of the characters in the story?
- Did you find some parts of the story more enjoyable than others?
- Was the story convincing?
- Did the story change your opinion of history?
- Is this a book you would recommend, and if so, why? Would you read another title by this author?
- Did you like the cover and appearance of the book?
- Did you skip some of the book or completely read it to the end? If you gave up on the book, can you say why?
- If it was made into a film/TV series, which actors would play the main parts?
- Did it remind you of any other books you have read? Can you think of any other stories with similar ideas, characters or settings?